Thomas: Personal development through volunteering
Another adventure has just begun. Thomas recently started his project in Italy and apparently he wouldn’t change. Today’s his turn to tell us more about his first impressions.
Hi everyone! My name is Thomas, I am a 22-year old volunteer from Gävle, Sweden.
I have decided to volunteer in Trento, Italy, as I have a passion for cooking and always wanted to work abroad. Matched with the beautiful Alps, there is much that spoke in favour of this opportunity in particular. The administrative skill I will gain will also benefit me in the future.
Oddly enough, despite my own enthusiasm and that of the organisation which I went to volunteer at, this almost didn’t happen as I was in need of a sending organisation. Many of these organisations will only send volunteers if they have a scholarship or for a fee (our note: projects working within other programs), but I was lucky to stumble upon Globala Kronoberg, who did it for free.

Upon arriving to Italy, I instantly noticed the hospitality of the Italians. Even if the older generations isn’t as proficient at English, they will go out of their way to help you.
I’m currently working on a project about the UN’s SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), which focuses on a set of humanitarian goals that are to be fulfilled by 2030.
I currently live in a wonderful flat with three other roommates, it has the most beautiful view of the Fersina river as well as the Alpine mountains surrounding the city of Trento. The food here is usually very cheap, at least in comparison to Swedish prices. All the merrier for the cook.
Would you also like to do a volunteer project? There is no reason to be afraid, in fact it’s much easier than it seems. Just contact us and we will help you with everything.
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