GOBI 2018 – A participants experience
Day 1 at GOBI 27/10 – 05/11/2018
This was written by one of the participants during Go Out Be In 2018 in Osaby, Växjö

“ The first day of this adventure was very funny. The activity of the morning was “Ice Breakers”.First of all, we made a circle and we had to say “Hello” in Spanish, Swedish, Italian, Greek and Bulgarian. Jurek took some nice pictures and in all the photos you can see people that were smiling and enjoying. It was a very good activity: we felt like we were not strangers but great friends. Then, we had a meeting with a different person every 5 minutes and talked about a specific topic. Some questions were very deep and it was a very cool way to know people.
During the morning we had also “Fika time”: Kristina told us that “Fika” is the typical Swedish coffee (or tea) break. Everybody enjoyed fika. After the break, we wrote in three different papers our fears about this project, but also what we expected and what we could give to other people. Some answers were very nice and gave us positive energy: “I can give…
We enjoyed our first lunch together. Then we chose our team. There were three different teams: “Activities group”, “Media group”, and “Cooking group”. After the dinner, there was the reflection circle. We were divided into different teams: “Monkeys”, “Cats”, “Dogs” etc. During the reflection circle, we talked about the day we spent together and about our proposes for the day after.”
This was just a small part of all that we did during GOBI. If you want to see more of what we were up to, check out this link.