First time in Sweden!
Hi Folks! Here is Łukasz– Globala’s volunteer!

I want to tell you about my first time in Sweden! But first start with some introduction. So my name is Łukasz (yes, it is starting with this L with extra line and it makes people confused :), don’t give up you can pronounce it!). I come from Poland, where I used to live in beautiful city Gdańsk (you are very welcome to visit this city, there are direct flights from Växjö). My occupation is teaching and biology, but I also have experience as an anti-discrimination trainer. But let’s go back to the main topic, so my first… months in Sweden.

First time…
…made a vegan strawberry (jordgubbar) cake
…got addicted to FIKA
…of acroyoga! And for sure I will continue with it!
…saw such a rainbow city during Pride Week
…gave an interview to Swedish television
…gardening totally by myself (usually I was sharing garden with somebody)
…made a honey from dandelions!
…And lemon essential oil. Actually I found a time to develop one of my hobbies – herbalism
…ate vegan fastfood
…drove a car with a trailer
…was in Skåne and fell in love with this region
…ate licorice ice-cream
…played scrabble in Swedish (and also first time in my life I am learning this language)
… took care of hens feet
…took part in Midsummer party! And danced as a frog! (You need to do it one day!)
and much, much more…